Managing The Risks Of Big Data At Mytelco: Taking Ethics Seriously Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Managing The Risks Of Big Data At Mytelco: Taking Ethics Seriously Case Study Solution

The Rights Approach

The SNA approach of Bill’s project also meet the rules of rights approaches through. The Bill’s approach will compensate all the complaining customers of MyTelco and respects the rights of all.

The Justice Approach

Bill’s approach will equally treat all the unhappy customers of MyTelco. It won’t just concentrate on the specific community. The Justice approach also fits in the Bill’s proposal.

The Common Good Approach

MyTelco will serve the whole community if they accept the Bill’s proposal. Whoever complains about the company product or service would be compensated immediately. They won’t be any chance of error made by the company.

The Virtue Approach

The Virtue approach will leads the company to understand the complaint of customer on product or service by putting themselves at the place of where customer stands. Bill’s approach will best fit in Virtue approach as if company was treated as the customer has been treated what they would do at that time.

Market Availability for Selected Solution

Market availability for Bill’s project is high. Bill’s project will not bound the customer in any agreement and also improves the customer’s retention. His project will encourage social media users towards MyTelco services and supports in satisfying the complaining customer.

Cost and Benefits for Selected Opportunity

The MyTelco Company will save itself from huge fines and would be able to work under to the law. It will also help the company from law suits and maintaining a good relation with its customer. MyTelco might succeed in mitigating the low quality of services being provide by the company in past.

Bill’s proposal is time taking consuming.  The MyTelco needs to evaluate the whole plan before you make a decision and the decision might take time. Before making Decision Company needs to work under the customer protection law, need to consider complains of client, and would the solution be applicable for other customers. MyTelco might become more concerned that the rewards would possibly set in motion a ‘‘complaint–reward cycle,’’ and thereby motivate more customercriticism and others who noticed that complainingpaid were probable to adopt copycat behavior.

Is MyTelco adequately equipped to exploit the opportunity identified?

Yes, MyTelco is adequately equipped to exploit this opportunity. Company doesn’t need lots of resources to invest. They just need to hire skilled labor that is expert in analysis or evaluating the social media activities of the customer and should be able to respond their complaints immediately. Decision making of the company needs to be more efficient and should be less time taking...............................


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