Linear Air air taxi startup established use advent Very Light Jets, which include new technology that will reduce the cost of operating a jet by about 40%. Air taxis could use a 5400 small regional airports throughout the United States, potentially revolutionize air travel. But the emerging air taxi industry does not yet exist, and there are competing conceptions of what the industry should look like. Founder must evaluate what customer segments to target, that the business model for how to encourage the development of the industry ecosystem, and more generally, how to help shape the industry, so that it does not develop a highly competitive structure similar to an existing airline industry. "Hide
solution" width="288" height="288" /> linear technology case solutionby Maria Tripsas, Davin Chow, Adam Prewett, Kevin Yttre Source: Harvard Business School 26 pages. Publication Date: January 31, 2008. Prod. #: 808107-PDF-ENG