Law & Ethics in the Business Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Law & Ethics in the Business


In this extremely competitive arena, companies and different business try their level best to expand as much as possible. On a general note it is considered that a certain company would for sure go for the international expansionby following specific countries rules and regulations. Moreover, for international expansion companies go for the strategic alliances with the company of that particular in some cases. Within the circle of international business arena distinctions are often made between different kinds of international firms, and these specific distinctions are quietly supportive in understanding a company’s strategy, functional and organization decisions. While moving abroad companies are found concerned about some areas which includes, its financial, marketing, administrative, operations and human resource decisions (Bentham, 2001).

One major difference that can be really helpful is the distinction between these specific multi-domestic operations, with relatively autonomous subsidiaries which usually perform as domestic firms, and global operations, with combined subsidiaries which are quiteclosely related and somehow interconnected. There is no doubt international business totally different as compared to the domestic business operations. There are multiple reasons for these differences which are based on environmental factors, specific rules and government interference in terms of imposing new laws every time. It can be said with complete surety that companies usually understand their local environments in a real optimistic manner as compare to the international environment (Clayton, 2004). One of the biggest mistake a company usually commits is that they do not invest their ample amount of time in research work related to the specific country where the company is planning to move. Not only the laws and policies need to be analyzed, butcompanies need to have a detailed look at the local moral values of the people living there so that ethical issues can be avoided on the maximum level.

In this competitive arena conducting business on an international level in now becoming a global exercise, specifically for U.S firms. Globalization means that U.S. businesses are expected to work in foreign jurisdictions and to work in collaboration with foreign companies under the specific laws that needs to follow at any cost. The contracthas an important role to play as a tool which actually insures the responsibilities of the partners and to fix deals made within the context of the business relation as per the laws (Ghosh, 2011).  It is also the core part of the business strategy for approximately all the companies which are directly involved in doing international business. While considering this regard, a contract possess any legal obligations that need to be followed by both the parties.In conducting the daily business operations companies are specifically bound to abide by the local rules and regulations which are the part of the contracts like for example, some countries don’t allow to use unhealthy oil or they might not allow selling beer.To avoid such ethical issue contract should be detailed.

For the U.S firms it is highly important that they must conduct international business in a really professional manner by designing an exceptional contract which would cover all elements. Doing thebusiness in the recent global economy offers tremendous rewards, but also involves a great deal of risks as well (Bridges, 2002). Although it has been seen in the past that companies have taken important measures and precautions to minimize the expected risk, butsometimes they were found number of issues even related to ethics and moral values.It is highly recommended for the firm that they must take a many factors into consideration while doing an international business deal, specifically on a strategic basis. It is highly recommended that while going for such expansions firms must plan their contract while keeping several elements in mind which includes international sales contracts, supply obligations,international distribution pacts, franchise agreements, intellectual property licensedevelopment agreements, letters of credit, investment agreements,joint venture agreements and some other factors as per specific country in which investment needs to be made...................

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