Kentucky Fried Chicken (Japan) Limited Case Solution
The last option which I think Mr. Mayer has, is to let Mr. Weston go on with his operations because he is doing well and to ignore other change management aspects in the international business. In the future, there are chances that Weston May cooperates with headquarter and things would go smoothly. There are chances that Mr. Weston may continue what he is doing, which might worsen the situation.
So, the final option which Dick Mayer can go for, being on the safe side, is to send someone from headquarter to work with Mr. Weston. Both of the individuals will start working together then both will take care of the policies of headquarter. As at this moment, KFC cannot take a chance to lose Loy Weston because it would cost the company. KFC Japan needs the experience and knowledge of Mr. Weston and his image in the market is also very positive. Mr. Mayer should find a person who would complement Mr. Mayer and both will work combined and will bring better results and a better organizational environment. Both of them together might make a strong managerial team and provide a better option to both Mr. Weston and headquarter to solve their issues. Loy Weston would be able to gain his control over the North-Pacific Market.
Dick Mayer's Managing International Organization
The international management of Dick Mayer consists of different stages. These stages are the entrepreneurial stage, the developmental stage and the implementation stage.
The international business is managed by focusing on planning, development, and measuring the results. At the first stage, the top management of the company has control over the foreign and local business. The country manager at this stage has the responsibility to look after it, which requires the organization to have a decentralized system. Managers should be allowed to work in teams and set different goals, and make their own decisions to achieve those goals.
The second stage deals with the local business development of the company. Here Mayer can use the information and develop skills to retain independence in the market. They can work and develop the business and use that knowledge and skills for the same purpose.
The third stage consists of those local business managers who work closely with headquarter to plan, measure and generate ideas for the business development.
Segregation is very important,where the professional managers are ones who are delegated to use their entrepreneurial skills and be more innovative in KFC food chains and also deal with franchises at the country level. Professional managers are the individuals who guide the team in expansion process. Mayer prefers to use clear communication channels.
The challenging task for Mayer is to maintain the cooperation among managers and headquarters, as it an important element for the company. Dick Mayer followsa three-stage theory in operations, but if the managers are open-minded, then this would be a successful strategy and theory to follow. The combination of two different kinds of managers, i.e. entrepreneur and corporate mentality, can serve the goal of the company. Two different kinds of mindsets can work for the benefit of the company.
This international business management strategy by Dick Mayer is effective forthe long run,as it would benefit the management to balance and align the goals and objectives of the company. This strategy helps the management in controlling the international business and also in aligning the goals and maintaining the harmony.
But at few points, the franchises would have to become more independent because cultural differences can lead the managers to react differently to the customers as well as the employees. To succeed in this business; it is important to be flexible and to allow the managers to follow what the local market requires.
As per the evaluation, the three-stage theory suggests that the start-ups may not work out in this type of controlled business environment. New start-ups need time and freedom to explore and work on the business’s development. Top management should be flexible enough to let the franchises to have decentralized systems,because it is intensely important for having a successful business............................
Kentucky Fried Chicken (Japan) Limited Case Solution
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