Intermountain Health Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Intermountain Health Case Solution

1.Problem Definition

Mr. Brent James, the Executive Director of Intermountain Healthcare discussed with his management regarding the requirement to improve their services and clinical practices. Moreover, the other challenge is the increase in different diseases and every patient has unique symptoms which should be given the proper medical facility to. For this purpose, new strategies are made and data warehousing patients, clinical support of data and protocols are designed to improve the quality of the services.

The aforementioned decisions of the organization massive funding and larger space to fulfil the whole requirements. The need of different medical equipment, machineries, clinical data and support system are required for the best quality services. Moreover, the other issue which has occurred is that of funding which requires a handsome amount to fulfill the requirements. As IHC is a non-profit organization which is based on the charitable aspects; it  needs to improve its quality of service provisionin order to provide the best clinical practices with cost efficient method. As each patient requires specific kind of treatment and care; the organization should increase the number of its physicians who could efficiently deal with multiple patients, improving the services of the organization ultimately.

2.Developments of Alternatives

The alternatives are developed to mitigate the issues and to provide the best ways to overcome the challenges which IHC isexpected to face during the implementation of new strategies. Some alternatives are defined below:

Alternative 1

For improving the quality service and increasing the clinical methods; IHC can outsource some of its operations including the data warehouse management, keeping the record of every patient, implementing the machineries etc. It can outsource its department to any information technological company, which would provide best services. It can also reduce its cost and increase its productivity. The operations would be more productive with the help of external monitoring and controlling.

Alternative 2

Intermountain Healthcare can approach the government for funds in order to meet the budget for its clinical services, asthe organization is working for the humanitarian cause and its main motive is to provide healthcare to the people. The government can allot a budget which would help the organization inmeeting its  financial needs in order to perform efficiently.  Moreover, they organization can also hire expert physician who are well-known for their services globally, as it would help the organization in providing better healthcare facilities with the utilization of new and advanced medical techniques.

Alternative 3

The other alternative for IHC is to have an acquisition with a pharmaceutical company through which it could get an access to different methods of clinical operations. It would also help the organization by providing medical guidance and care to  patients with  different symptoms. The protocol can be given to every individual where they would be given proper healthcare facilities. Moreover, the acquisition can also advance the treatment methods through the guidance of the pharmacists and medical experts. Through acquisition, the organization would be able to initiate health awareness campaigns in the remote areas.The acquisition with the pharmaceutical companies can also aid in managing the funds and overcoming the budget deficiency.

Alternative 4

Another alternative is having an efficient strategy of uniting the staff members as a team, where different duties would be assigned to each team member in order to meet one common goal. There should be an efficient management of data during the patients’ protocol with each staff member having an individual duty for catering the patient. Moreover, the organization can also provide different sessions and training programs to the staff in order motivate them and to increase their will to work as a team. Doing so can improve the work quality of the employees, which would ultimately help the HIC in providing quality services.

5. Evaluation of Alternatives

The alternatives evaluation is done on the basis of each alternative and their pros and cons are explained below:

Alternative 1: Outsourcing


The outsourcing can decrease the cost of the organization, enabling it to provide better services because it would help the organization in having an advancement in its technological services and help it in data management, clinical approaches andutilization of the data management system.


The expected drawback for the alternative is higher cost which the organization could incur because of outsourcing its department. Moreover, the company’s image could get affected if the outsourcing fails in providing better services.

Alternative 2: Government Support


The government support can aid the IHC in improving through allotting it with funds for operating its medical operations. The government can provide support to the organization in the medical awareness program’s budget.


The cons can be suspected if the government’s involvement decrease the organization’s productivity, as the government would have the power to use the organization for its own benefit, which can also turn the organization from non-profit to a profit generating organization

 Alternative 3: Acquisition with pharmaceutical companies


Acquisition with the pharmaceutical companies can aid the organization in overcoming the challenges which could act as the barriers. The acquisition can provide support of medical guidance, clinical services and expert advice. The organization can also start campaigns for health awareness with the collaboration of pharmaceutical companies.


The disadvantage of the acquisition could be the performance of the management which can decrease the organization’s efficiency. Moreover, it would become a profit generating organization as it would transit into a business company, leaving its legacy of being a non-profit organization behind.

Alternative 4: Strategies


Efficient strategies could be made by having every staff member working as a team would This can create harmony and dedication in employees. Training and workshops can increase the employees’ morale.


The drawback could be the increase in the staff and employment, which can involve higher cost in the process of recruitment. Moreover, the dedication of employees cannot be guaranteed.

5.1 Recommendations to Management

The management is recommended to make efficient strategies which could improve the productivity and service of the Intermountain healthcare. They must analyze their competencies and drawbacks in order to detect the areas where they could face challenges. The most important factor is analyzing the external environment and to find out what are the challenges in the current environment, such as: new diseases, clinical methods, different remedies and approaches, so that the organization could treat the patients with unique symptoms.

After conducting the analysis; the IHC must make such kind of strategies using which it could retain its competency and would be able to overcome its weaknesses. They can take the help of experts who are globally successful famous, as it would help the organization to provide medical services to different regions. This can improve their internal operations and can also support the organization to tackle any unfavorable situation. Moreover, the need of data base management and patient record can be maintained through the alliances with the technological companies in order to provide better services to the patients. The employees can be provided training and workshops to protocol any serious patients, which would aware them of how to perform efficiently and how to stay dedicated to the organization and to their profession..........................

Intermountain Health Case Solution

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