Situational analysis


The London Health Sciences Centre was established in 1875 as the London General Hospital. It was the first public hospital in London. Hospital employed more than 12000 people and it also established three more hospitals in London.

The goal of occupational health and safety services department was to ensure the safety and health of all the workers in the London Health Sciences Centre.

The mission of LHSC is, committed to delivering value and improving health for the residents of London, south-west region and beyond that. Its mission further states that they want to build the tradition of leadership, partnership and stewardship. They are the finest in patient care with the spirit of discovery and inquiry and commitment to the lifelong learning.

Following are the goals of LHSC

  • Providing education and quality nutrition to patients during the process of illness and recovery and promote the health and quality of life.
  • Hunting excellence of service, innovation and advancement of the profession.
  • Providing leadership support to promote the nutrition care for the patients.
  • Providing nutrition education to the students, health professional and the society.
  • Supporting the hiring and training of interns into the health professional to fulfil the entry level competencies.

The culture of LHSC is very supportive and progressive. Leadership is very encouraging and supportive of continuing education. Employees in the LHSC are given full opportunity to maximize their career potential by learning new things and participating in the education available(LHSC, 2013).

The CEO of the hospital demonstrated that the hospital is going to work collaboratively with the key stakeholders that include government, communities and other health service providers.

The main issue was regarding the health of nurses and doctors who directly deal with the infected patients. This is one of the ethical concerns for the company.During the SARS outbreak, several hundred health care workers and doctors were confined to their exposure to the severe acute respiratory syndrome. During the exposure to the disease, two nurses and one doctor also died.

So Cathy Stark (manager of Occupational health and safety services) was curious regarding the health of the employees. She was wondered that if there was an influenza pandemic, then how the staff would react to the drastic measures to deal with this disease(McDonald, 1967).

SWOT Analysis

Main Issue

The main problem mentioned in the case is regarding the influenza pandemic and its safety measures to deal with this disease(Kumar, 2009). Those safety measures can affect the health of nurses and doctors who are exposed to this disease.They can get affected due to this disease as we can get evidence from the different past outbreaks such as SARS(Maunder, 2003).

Company’s strengths include

  • Physicians Integration and collaboration
  • Increased Patient Care Approach
  • Largest acute-care teaching hospitals
  • Shared Decision making
  • Motivated hospital doctors and staff members


  • Insufficient time to develop the needed infrastructure to support the LHSC
  • Lack of technological infrastructure at LHSC
  • Requires the involvement and commitment of all healthcare stakeholders



  • Community benefits as aresult of better coordination of health care employees working


  • Potential to reduce the medical error
  • Potential to deal with the Influenza Pandemic
  • Creating awareness of Influenza among the people in Canada

Threats include

  • Risk of treating patients with unpreventable conditions
  • Health of nurses and doctors in exposing the disease
  • Ensuring patient devotion and accountability

The company’s biggest strength was physician integration and collaboration with the increased patient care approach(Capps, 1944 ). It could use its physician's integration and increased patient care approach to avail the opportunity to providing better community benefits through reducing the medical error and waste. By utilizing these strengths, London Health Sciences Centre can provide the best services to the patients.They can use the patient care approach and highly qualified physicians to deal with the disease of Influenza pandemic(Burke, 2006). There were threats of risk of treating patients with the unpreventable conditions which could have affected the health of nurses and doctors, by using its strengths of shared decision making,  increased patient care approach and Physicians integration and collaboration, they can reduce the threat of risk of treating the patients with the unpreventable conditions and with the collaboration, doctors and nurses can take care of their health throughout the exposing of the disease of the patients.It could still deal with the disease of Influenza pandemic with the anti-viral medications and through vaccinations. The company’s weakness was it was lacking in technological infrastructure and technology helps the hospitals to deal with the different diseases. Lack of technological infrastructure which was causing limitation to its opportunities on its potential to reduce the medical errors and waste(Broadbent, 1999)................

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