Improving the Flow of People: The Victoria Station Redesign Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Improving the Flow of People: The Victoria Station Redesign Case Study Analysis

The Victoria Station redesign will improve the flow of people from the airport to the city. It's a vital component of the City of Toronto's transportation plan. Improving the flow of people will not only benefit travelers and visitors to the city, but it will improve the quality of life for the residents and businesses located in the area.

Case Study Solution

The case study on Victoria Station provides quantitative data on its processes and capacity. It also gives a preliminary analysis on some of the congestion-related causes. This should be a good place to start in recommending where Transport for London should put its efforts to improve throughput.

The case study on Victoria Station is a great exercise in proving that there are more than one tidbit of information about a given topic. It also shows you how to conduct your own more thorough assessment using the data provided. Using the data, you should be able to distinguish the most important tidbits of information from the trivial.

The case study on Victoria Station also teaches you that the best way to measure a company's performance is through its customer base and its distribution channel. For example, if a business has a large and aging consumer base, the company will need to focus on marketing to young adults. A business can improve its QA department to ensure that its products are fit for purpose. Similarly, if a business has many units in the market, it should focus on reselling them.

The case study on Victoria Station also instructs you on the merits of the most important component of any business: the employees. Having healthy employees will not only improve your bottom line, but it will also improve the perception of your product by the consumer.

Porters Five Forces

The Porter's Five Forces model is a popular tool for analyzing an industry's structure and competitiveness. It helps business owners and managers understand the industry's competition and potential. While the model was developed more than 40 years ago, it's still a powerful tool.

The Five Forces model is a framework that defines the five key factors that influence an organization's competitive position. These factors include the number of competitors, customers, suppliers, and substitutes. If an organization is facing an intense amount of competition, its profits may be reduced. On the other hand, if there are few competitors, it's likely that the company will be able to charge higher prices.

This model is particularly useful for companies that are entering a new industry. By understanding the five forces, they can determine their strengths and weaknesses and then make decisions to increase their competitive advantage. For example, if a company has a large number of substitute products or services, they will have less power to charge premium prices. However, if they have few or no substitutes, they can use their price to lock in favorable terms.

A company can also choose to pursue a differentiation strategy. Differentiation means that the company seeks to provide a product or service that is unique from its industry. In order to do so, the company can select a segment or group of segments and choose attributes that will make it stand out in the industry.

PESTLE Analysis

The PESTLE or PEST (PEST acronym) is a fancy acronym for the plethora of factors which influence the performance of your business. Basically, you want to determine which of these elements are important to your overall success. To do this, you have to enlist the aid of a plethora of unbiased professionals who are able to identify which of these factors are the most relevant and crucial. This, in turn, helps you to hone in on the right ones.

In fact, you should perform a PESTLE analysis on a regular basis as the above mentioned factors are liable to come in and out of play at any given moment. As a matter of fact, it is advisable to do a complete PESTLE assessment before you make a decision on which ones are the most pertinent.

The PEST LE (PEST acronym) is one of the most important tools in the enterprise's arsenal. It enables you to see if your company is a cut above the rest. If you are a company in the IT sector, the PESTLE acronym will probably come in handy sooner or later. It is also an effective means of assessing the nascent and emerging trends. A PESTLE analysis can help you to establish a more strategic business plan. For instance, you may be able to improve your revenue and profit margins if you implement a more comprehensive strategic planning and operational process.

Financial Analysis

Victoria Station in London is one of the busiest stations in the world. As the population grows, it becomes more important for the station to increase capacity. Congestion on platforms leads to delays at busy times.

Transport for London (TFL) is responsible for the Tube network in London. Its major focus is to improve access and reduce congestion. This case study explores some of the key issues with the Victoria Station upgrade.

The main issues revolve around capacity planning. TFL wants to be able to manage its future demands. By improving access and increasing throughput, TFL hopes to avoid overcrowding and improve the reliability of its service.

Cost overruns have posed a challenge to the project. Although the government has not confirmed the current cost of the project, CYP and the government have reached a formal dispute resolution process.

CYP, the contractor, claimed that labour costs rose due to changes in raw materials, labour rates and productivity. These were the main drivers for the cost increases. In April 2018, a reworked budget was approved.

In June, the state government agreed to contribute more than $1 billion to the project. Initially, the government refused to help. They argued that the projected delay of 18 months was "materially overstated". However, the government was later forced to pay up.

Another issue that has led to cost overruns is sub-contracting. Many of the costs were incurred due to design changes. For example, there were changes to the height of the main station cavern and the relocation of passenger lifts.


Several options exist for improving the flow of people at Victoria Station. Some of these options include the following.

One is a well-known multinational corporation based in London. The other is the lesser-known Transport for London, which is responsible for operating an extensive network of Underground stations in the capital. In the ensuing discussion, it is expected that each party is able to identify the nuances associated with each option. This will allow a comparative analysis of each option and how it performs in comparison to the other.

One of the more notable recommendations is to focus on the most cost effective methods of increasing throughput. Among other recommendations, the company could consider acquiring units from other firms, reselling them in the market or partnering with existing operators. Another alternative is to engage in a formal market study to better understand the preferences of its clients. There are several options for doing so, namely, an online questionnaire, an in-depth survey and a live video chat. All this, coupled with the right amount of time and effort, will likely result in a highly effective solution.

Using a combination of the above mentioned strategies will not only yield a higher return on investment but also improve the bottom line. The above named company has a definite advantage in terms of capital resources and labor pool. By putting a little more cash to work, they can leverage their assets to create a competitive advantage in the highly specialized and highly competitive market that they serve.

This is just a sample partial case solution. Please place the order on the website to order your own originally done case solution.

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