Impact of CMC on socialization and business practices Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Impact of CMC on socialization and business practices Case Solution


Computer-mediated communication is the process through which we communicate by using computers. Such kind of conversation happens in a network like instant messaging, chat rooms, or email. There are significant benefits of using such a tool; for instances, you can build interpersonal skills yourself and one can talk to someone with this before the actual meeting (Walther, 1992). There are also some disadvantages of using such tools like if  we take the example of Facebook, then we can see the tab of favorite. However, there is no system in which we can list either our favorite people or least favorite people. We can conclude that these media tools are some kind of one sided.

Another disadvantage of such tools is that you cannot be familiar with the real face of someone. If you are chatting with someone on Facebook but you have not met with that person in reality, then talking to that person is best; but in reality, this is opposite. Therefore, this is a sort of backdrop of using such tools. In addition, there might be a user with fake identity of someone else on these tools. Cybercrimes are at their peak in these days. Accounts of the user can be hacked, so in this way, the identity of the person is also stolen. If we look at the confidentiality issue, then there are a lot of disadvantages of such a system. Most precious information is never shared on such systems, which are connected through the network until proper security measures are taken.

According to Smeltzer (1992) Moreover, relations get stronger and dark through using such tools; people use to talk with new people and wish them on their memorable days like birthdays and marriage anniversary. This communication is limited to availability of network. If system had not existed then, communication would not have been possible in this case. In case if someone is angry using communication tools via a network, then that situation is more preferable to us since using harsh language with someone in person could endanger a relationship. So if we want to control our emotion, then this tool is suggested for communication.

With the help of such communication, information can now be transferred easily and immediately without causing a wastage of much time. In earlier days, any information whether visual or in words, took many days to reach a destination, but now with the help of media and network availability, this info can be transferred easier than usual. It takes only mini seconds for it to reach across the globe. Keeping relations alive is most important and communication is the lifeline of such relationships; thus, using such tools for keeping relations alive is better useful and our network will increase as well. We will be introduced to more people around the globe and our limit not be remain to our village, city, or country rather across the world; we can connect with anyone we want to. Increasing networks globally can help us to find good jobs, vacation plans and much more entertainment. We can be aware of the problems, which are occurring all over the world.

Why do people use such tool? Especially in organizations?

In the normal course of time, people use nonverbal communication languages with people who actually lack in using this tool. In addition, we are unable to analyze natural feelings of persons because it is said that actions speak louder than words (Rice and love 1987). Due to such drawback in lack of video cues, there str fewer chances of true information exchange and genuine conversation. Despite all such facts, people use such tools because of the many benefits such tools offer.....................

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