Employee Resistance Towards Organizational Change Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Employee Resistance Towards Organizational Change Case Solution

Technological change is the change that an organization goes for implementing the new technology in the organization asa result of the environmental shift i.e. organization implements the new software for the data management.

Cultural change is the type of change that refers to the change in the behavior and pattern of thinking in the organization. It is considered as the difficult change type because it is difficult to change the employee behaviors and their belief.

Strategic change is the change that is referred to as the change in the operations that help to achieve the organizational mission. The change is the type of change that helps the company to achieve the objective of the organization. It helps to achieve competitiveness in the organization.

Structural change is referred to the change that is related to the architecture of the organization.  Structural change is like revising the job roles and objectives of the jobs. (behavior, n.d.).

  • Chapter 3 - Resistance to Change
    • Definition of Organizational Resistance

Organizational resistance is the behavior of employees towards change in the organization. It is the negative aspect of the organization because it affects the organization as a whole and organizations become inflexible. After all, they are not able to adopt the change. Resistance management is a challenge for the organization because it is shaping the employee's attitude toward the change. Employees do resist because it is human nature to resist the change and deny to come out of their comfort zone (lumen, organizational behavior and human relations, 2019).

    • Types of resistance to change

There are five types of employee resistance one is a passive change that is defined as when individuals remain silent about their opinion about the change and agree to the change but do not follow that change. It is a threat for the company because people are silent and their response is unpredictable. The second type of resistance is active resistance and it is defined as the behavior of the individual when people speak and present their views about the change and act against the change. They make the change as the new challenge in the organization.  The third type of resistance is attachment change and that is defined as the change resistance when people come forward and argue actively against the change and make efforts to stop the radical change. People in this type of resistance argue and in the last ask for adjustments. The fourth type of resistance is the uncertainty change and it is defined as the behavior of people where they overthink the change and hypothesize the change process in mind and the rumors start to circulate and employee productivity starts to decrease. The last type of resistance that an organization face is the overload of change resistance and it is defined as the moaning behavior of employees towards change, it is like pushing back the change without providing any argument (gardners, 2018).

    • Stages of employee reactions to organizational change

Initially, employees do not show any apparent resistance but make arguments to resist the change, when an organization starts the change process then employees start to create rumors and make groups to resist the change. Employees first resist the change, then go along the process and still discourage the change and in the last, they agree to the change but are less likely to follow the change until it became a new normal for them.

    • Causes of employee resistance to change

Change resistance is in human nature employees resist organizational change because they think that they will lose their status and job security, they have fear of the unknown, they have to come out of their comfort zone, fear of failure is also one of the reasons that people resist the change, peer pressure, and organizational politics is also the factors that make people resist the change. (Tanner, 2018).

  • Chapter 4: Managing employee resistance to organizational change
    • Impact of employee resistance to change

The impact of employee resistance to change is that employees are willing to leave the organization, which lowers employee morale. The lack of communication about the change create the rumors and negative impact on the employees and employee resistance hinder the organization to achieve their objective and it slows down the change process. The organizations become inflexible to the change and not being able to adopt the change. Organizations became uncommunicative in the industry (lumen, organizational behavior and human relations, 2019).

  • Steps to manage employee resistance to change

The steps to manage resistance are discussed below:

  1. Reduce opposition: in this step,the organization needs to involve those employees in the change process who are more likely to resist the change. The organizations need to communicate the change process and allow the employees for their opinions and inputs in the organization.
  2. Engage employees: this organization needs to engage the employees listen to their advice, timely respond to their feedback, and make sure that all are happy with the process and change.
  3. Implement the change in stages: In this organizations need to implement the change process in different and small phases so that the employees do not find it difficult to adopt the change and it becomes easy for them to adopt the changes.
  4. Communicate the change: In this organizations need to communicate the change in the organization wisely and communicate detailed information about the change to the employees to prevent any rumors in the future (workplace, 2019).
    • Ways to encourage organizational change

Organizations need to increase the communication in the organization, make employees realize the sense of urgency, create the vision and communicate it to the employees, involve employees in the change process, promote positive teamwork and environment in the organization, create reinforcement reward systems. Identify the goals and communicate to the employees the advantages of change to promote the change in the organization.............................

Employee Resistance Towards Organizational Change Case Solution

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