East Coast Trail Harvard Case Solution & Analysis


For the maintenance of the costal trails, funds were available through the grants those were difficult to obtain as the other associations were also competing with the ECTA for getting the grants from government agencies. The grants were becoming difficult to obtain, as there were policies those continuously updated and making it difficult to obtain the grants. Other than grants, the member fees and product sales were generating the funds for the maintenance.

Land obtainment:

The costal land comprised of 15 percentage of private ownership that would be sold if ECTA would not actively seek for the alternatives or seeks for arranging the agreements. This was because, once in the year 1997, a property was sold to the millionaire that developed the castle and from this castle; the 500-meter land was out of reach.

On the other hand, some of the privately owned land was difficult to obtain as their owners had the concerns regarding the potential risks associated with the hikers. To negotiate with them, it reduces the East Coast Trail Association’s resources.


The volunteers were actively participating in the development of the Coastal trails that led the ECTA to complete the 220-meter coastal trail alongside the ocean coast. Recently the ECTA faces the problem as volunteer were short and this was due to the fact that, funding were difficult to obtain. Furthermore, volunteers were previously taking part in the development actively but recently these volunteers were only available on weekends and on holidays. On the other hand, when these volunteers were not available to participate in the development than the development activities of the coast trail came to astandstill.

Furthermore, to motivate the volunteers there was the need of the motivatingleadership but the leaders were also the volunteers those were busy in their professional life.


Income of the East Coast Trail Association has been facing the declining trend that was generated through the product sales, fundraising, memberships and donations. It was difficult to attract the donations, distributing the products, and retaining existing members and attracting new members because the volunteers were not available actively. The availability of the volunteers was crucial part to raise the funds as it requires time. The association was also concerned about the operational cost that needs to be met in order to continue its development.


From the above analysis, it is analyzed that East Coast Trail Association was facing the crucial problems and to solve these problems there was the need to change the existing strategy and develop new strategy that would ensure the availability of funds for the development of the coastal trail.

Previously, East Coast Trail Association strategy was based on the volunteers that actively participates in the development of the coastal trail and these volunteers than became part of the board members.

It is recommended that, East Coast Trail Association shouldadopt a new strategy that allows them to increase their income apart from the grants and donations. To increase their income, ECTA should allow the companies to develop the mini shops on the path of the coastal trail so that they can sell their products. To generate income, ECTA must charge these companies a margin on each of their product sold and shouldmake an agreement for contributing in terms of developing the land where these companies would consider to open their shops. ECTA should also consider arranging different recreational events and chargingparticipation fees on these events that would help in generating more......................................

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