Csr Research Report Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Csr Research Report The case solution  

Impact of Carbon Emission on Environment

Environment depletion is emerging problem in the developing world, recent incidents of fires in turkey, Algeria and Greece is evidence of the severity of this issue.  Carbon emission is essential topic under consideration (IPCC, 1992; Balat et al., 2003). The use of fossil fuels fulfill the energy demand and has increased the CO2 in the atmosphere and increased the global warming (Yu et al., 2003). The CO2 emission is considered as threat for the environment up to 50%. Climate change posed huge challenge for corporations, and firms around the globe especially those contributing in this area. Global warming is also caused by carbon emission that cause melting ice caps, increase the sea level and also create disturbance for animals and other natural habitats (OSMANSKI, 2020). Every individual pose adverse effect on environment i.e. corporations, manufacturing firms. Companies are producing at high level of risk for the environment and as an individual we have increased the use of plastic and generating more waste. This is posing impact on the environment and hurting wild life.

Companies are generating more waste and also polluting the environment and air through emissions and chemical waste. Countries along with UN working on these issues and has taken measures to reduce environmental impact. Companies on individual level has taken measures to reduce the impact through corporate social responsibility acts and limiting their adverse activities, further there is a need of high level of commitment from corporations and government to reduce the environmental effect.

Impact of carbon emission on people

People on average life has been decreased, diseases especially respiratory diseases has been increased in the human body. It does not mean that it would affect the body directly or cause breathing problem but the increasing level of carbon emission polluting the air and increasing the diseases i.e. decreasing the cognition potential, and increased the range of diseases. The disease spreading creatures in the environment has been increased i.e. mosquitoes. Carbon emissions has increased the heat waves and changed the climate. The average increase in the global temperature has affected the human lives, people became more sensitive and the heat stroke chances has increased. Increased Heat waves reach to the highest level that cause the death of the thousands of people every year in the US. People also faced natural destruction throughout the year, many people lost their lives and families in these incidents. One way or other way people nature has been affected by these corporations and manufacturing firms.  Chemical waste and carbon emissions making contaminating the environment and making it worse for human being to live with these situations healthy. Chemical waste making life hard for the animals and species living in water that cause decrease of water species in globally.Developing countries are facing health issues, depletion of environment and depletion of resources that is hindering the economic growth. The loss of natural resources and increased the damage of ecosystems, contaminated the air quality, water quality climate change. Government on individual basis cannot fight alone for the stability and sustainability. The increased degradation has made the government to involve the private sector to work collectively to save the environment. Globally businesses have increased their efforts and initiatives for green business activities. Businesses are contributing on bigger scale to create sustainable environment i.e. Toyota has invested in hybrid technology and fuel efficiency further they have reduced the use of fuel and increased the use of renewable energy in their operations and manufacturing plants. There are other examples of multinational organizations that are contributing their part to achieve the sustainability of the environment and increase the efficient use of resources like google, Johnson & Johnson, Coca cola, and ford motors.(Institute, 2019)

Company off-set adverse environmental effect (practical Policies)

Reducing the carbon emission and its effect on the environment is essential for the company, as it is their responsibility to off-set the situation for the people around the globe. The change means that company have to reduce the carbon emissions that cause the climate changes, less resources depletion and better use of environmental resources. The hazard that company is causing to the environment is huge, it cannot completely compensate the loss but company can go for initiatives that can change help the environment to overcome these hazard. So it became the responsibility for the company to make efforts to compensate environment, people and other living beings to compensate and make their lives better.Managers play important role in this stage. These managers are the agents that evaluate the issues of the company and environment and then evaluate the prioritize for the company and develop the implementation plan. As a specialized consultant in the corporate social responsibility we are developing few strategies to eradicate the adverse effect of the company on the company. The Strategies are defined below:

Reuse, Reduce and Recycle

These activities are the supporting activities that will help the company to support the activities in the operations, Company can use resources in the operations i.e. reduce the use of papers, save energy and decrease the use of electricity and less use of plastic. Invest in renewable technologies, pollution abatement technology.

Use the Allocated Percentage Properly

Companies get permission to generate waste or emissions like 10% in the environment, so companies should make strategies to use 6% to 8% of it to reduce the environmental effect. Companies can land those remaining percentage to other company or keep them for future use to reduce the carbon emissions in the environment.

Invest in the Green Activities

Companies with type of businesses have two options to follow, reduce their impact or invest to fight these adverse situations. Companies need to invest in the green activities i.e. invest in tree plantation activities, develop hospitals to fight diseases, help the people affected by natural destructions and wind energy system. Technologies will help the management to reduce the waste, increase green activities and promote green culture in the industry. Corporate green investments help the management to maintain the corporate image and it is vital for the organization (Wu, 2009; Aerts and Cormier, 2009).

Practical policy and its Effectiveness

UN on global level has made environmental goals for countries to achieve, and countries have emphasized on the green activities within the country to achieve the overall companies, it is defined as the chain that fulfil the overall objectives of the countries. Being on corporate level we have prioritize green activities to support the overall business goal.We focus on environment while procurement because our resources and goods comes from environment. We try our best to minimize the use of resources and also reduce waste in the office premises. We have reduced the travel for our business purpose and supply chain to reduce the fossil fuel burning. To reduce the carbon emission we have invested in the energy. We have designed our operations to increase the effectiveness and reduce carbon emissions with smooth delivery of the products. Our policies further include the investment budget allocation of the green activities. These activities will help the company to achieve the sustainability goals on broader levels. Achieve the supporting and activities to stabilize the office settings.

Social responsibility and firms performance

Social responsibilities

CSR plays an important role in achieving businesses long term benefits and advantages. It is liable for the owners to follow all the theories and aspects such as social, economic and environmental in order to provide the quality products by stabilizing the company and its surrounding. It is the basic social liability of the company to ensure the social factors such as usage of renewable resources, diminishing the carbon emission and by providing the materials that do not pollute the environment. Carbon footprint has the norm when measuring the environmental impact, the effect of any activity on the environment shows the carbon foot print on that environment. Carbon foot print refers to the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere generated by the company’s performance.

According to the CSR theories, it is liable to reduce the carbon’s foot print by using the renewable resources that no longer harm the environment and preserve the climatic features. The sustainability manager plays an important role in reducing the carbon foot print by analyzing the climate change, choosing renewable resources instead of consuming natural resources and developing all the possible strategies for the reduction of carbon emission. (ganda, 2017)

The company can achieve all the objectives by acting socially responsible such as by looking forward into all the social and environmental changes and act accordingly. It is supreme duty of the company to develop all the social welfares and environmental activities.

In order to run the effective business and gain maximum revenues the companies needs to educate its employees, treat them equally, promote eco-friendly and greener effects, reduce travel emission, choose renewable resources and by using the green consummates (nasih, 2019).


Corporate social responsibility is defined as the responsibility of organization towards society for the sustainable business practices. It is doing business in a way that benefit the society and reduce the adverse effects of the business. It is the act of taking the responsibility of doing business without harming others. These activities help the company to sustain the business in long-run. Environmental sustainability is also part of corporate social responsibility because in many ways companies are contributing in the adverse condition of the environment. Carbon emission is one of the major global issue, countries are working on climate issues to reduce the natural destruction's and sudden deaths of living beings..................

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