Cisco system Inc.: supply chain risk management Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Question 01: Has the supply chain risk management implemented after the tsunami in Japan resulted in positive outcomes? What worked and what did not? Why?

            The tsunami that hit Japan had quite negative and destructive impact on the country. The impact of the tsunami was quite immense and it cost millions of dollars to the companies. After the tsunami, the supply chain risk management program has been introduced. The management has followed the strategy of “Resiliency Movement Program”. With this program, the decision was made where all the players were benefit ted and the end result has been a positive one. The proactive approach was the major factor that improved the results, however, the globalization and the elements of outsourcing can be major issues that can hamper the results of the efforts.

Question 02: How should supply chain complexity align with supply chain risk management?

            To align the supply chain complexity with the supply chain risk management, it is necessary for the management of the organization to understand and recognize the risk that is being faced by the company. Along with this, in the situation of Cisco, the company in order to align the complexity of supply chain with risk management, the company looked to identify the needs of the customers.

            The company even looked to integrate the different companies in order to progress with the supply chain process. The company introduced the lower lead times and also improved the just in time manufacturing within Cisco.

Question 03:Which comparable and comprehensive metrics have been required to assess supply chain resiliency capabilities? How can we relate these metrics to the Time-to Recovery measurement of all capabilities?

            The comparable and comprehensive metrics that can be used to assess the supply chain resiliency capability include the number of nodes and the space between the resilience. Along with this, the number of nodes to build supply chain relationship, finally the third one is the total number of critical nodes with in supply chain. The above discussed three metrics can be used and related to time to recovery measurement  if the overall node affect is not a critical one and it takes less time to recover.

Question 04: Can this approach to managing supply chain risks be generalized for any supply chain?

            The current approach of managing the supply chain risk can be rather generalized. The reason for this recommendation is simple; the current approach has the critical modes. It also has clusters which help in devising the strategy effectively. Along with this, the current approach can identify, strategize and assess the overall functioning in an efficient manner. 

Question 05: How can the supply chain risk management efforts and budget be justified? Does the return on investment of such efforts provide enough justification for their efforts provide enough justification for their existence?

            To manage the supply chain risk management has become an integral part for any business. A company cannot become a global player unless it has efficient and successful supply chainmethod. However, it is important to understand the disruptions can affect the credibility of clients.

            Along with this, a complex management structure for risk requires control over the supply chain of organizationsincluding Cisco.Return on investment does provide the justification for all the efforts. The more amount is invested the better results can be accumulated from the supply chain efforts.

Question 06: What lesson can be extracted from the experience of managing these high magnitude disruptions? How might Cisco continue learning in order to improve the performance of the supply chain risk management?

            The supply chain network of Cisco is quite complex and compound. The business model of Cisco is mostly dependent upon outsourcing the products. The supply chain efforts of the company are widely spread across various countries in the world. The business model of the company is complex, therefore, it makes it difficult for the international players to actually supply and receive goods on behalf of Cisco.

Cisco system Inc supply chain risk management Case Solution

            Along with this, it can also effect the perception of the customers and can eventually lead to poor reputation of the company. In order to improve the overall business model, Cisco needs to coordinate with the government for the policies; it should also look to keep a check and balance of exchange rates for the particular country. Similarly, the supply chain activities should be flexible and customized as per the customer needs and wants..................................

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