Assignment 2 Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Assignment 2 Case Solution


In our everyday life, we engage in a multiple contracts, ranging from formal agreements, such as cell phone service contracts, to informal agreements, such as purchasing a cup of coffee. These contracts form the foundation of our interactions and govern the exchange of goods, services, or promises. In this paper, we will closely examine a condo lease agreement, a common form of contract encountered in residential settings of Florida. (Treffers, 2020)

Substance of the Contract

A condo lease agreement is a legal contract between a landlord and a tenant that outlines the terms and conditions of renting a condominium unit. (Stewart, 2022) This agreement establishes the rights and responsibilities of both parties and ensures a clear understanding of the rental arrangement.

Elements of the Contract

  1. Offer: The offer is the initial proposal to enter into a contract. In the case of a condo lease agreement, the landlord typically presents the lease document to the tenant, outlining the terms and conditions of the rental.(Hoffman, 2022)
  2. Acceptance: Acceptance occurs when the tenant agrees to the terms of the lease agreement and signs the document. By signing, the tenant acknowledges their understanding and acceptance of the lease terms.
  3. Mutual Assent: Mutual assent is the concurrence of both parties to the terms of the contract. In a condo lease agreement, the landlord's offer and the tenant's acceptance establish mutual assent.
  4. Consideration: Consideration is the exchange of value between the parties. In a condo lease agreement, the landlord provides the tenant with the right to occupy the condo unit, and the tenant provides the landlord with rent payments in exchange.

Potential Issues and Disputes

  1. Voidable Contract: In the context of a condo lease agreement, if the landlord or tenant misrepresents the condition of the unit or the terms of the lease, the contract could be considered voidable.(Lindley, 2023)
  2. Unconscionable Contracts: In a condo lease agreement, if the terms are heavily weighted in favor of the landlord, the tenant could argue that the contract is unconscionable.
  3. Statutory Violations: Florida's landlord-tenant laws govern a number of rental agreement-related topics, such as notice obligations, occupancy requirements, and tenant rights. A condo lease agreement may not be enforceable if it breaches any of these legal requirements.

Ethical Considerations

  1. Transparency and Disclosure: It is the duty of both the landlord and the tenant to be open and honest and to reveal any pertinent information that might affect the terms of the rental agreement. This involves informing the tenant of any potential flaws in the apartment or modifications to the agreement.
  2. Fairness and Respect: Throughout the tenancy, both parties should treat one another fairly and with respect. This entails responding quickly to issues, keeping lines of communication open, and abiding by the conditions of the lease.
  3. Responsible Landlord-Tenant Relationship: The foundation of a responsible landlord-tenant relationship is respect for one another, open communication, and compliance with the lease's conditions. Throughout the tenancy, both sides should make an effort to keep a cordial and cooperative relationship. (Byrne, 2022)

Unilateral or Bilateral:

Given that the landlord and tenant are trading promises and considerations, this contract is most likely bilateral.  The terms of the lease impose responsibilities and advantages on both parties. The tenant pays the rent and fulfills certain obligations like as upkeep of the property and adherence to lease requirements, while the landlord provides the space for the tenant to use.  This mutual exchange of promises and obligations signifies a bilateral nature to the condo lease contract. (Wang, 2023)

Reflection on Contract Formation

After looking over the many aspects of contract formation, particularly with regard to a Florida condo lease agreement, a few points come to light that might lead to a different way of approaching some components of the formation process.  This improved strategy would place a higher priority on having a thorough awareness of Florida's laws pertaining to landlord-tenant relationships, making sure that all lease conditions are carefully documented, and encouraging open communication to avoid misunderstandings.  Additional caution and compliance ought to be demonstrated in the formulation of contracts by eliminating potentially voidable clauses, emphasizing ethical issues in agreement drafting, and seeking legal advice as needed.


Analyzing a condo lease has given us insights into the key components, possible conflicts, and moral issues associated with this kind of agreement. Both landlords and tenants must be aware of these factors in order to guarantee a reasonable and compliant rental agreement. In order to promote responsible and mutually beneficial agreements, the concepts that are covered in this paper must be implemented while negotiating different contracts in everyday life...........

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