Amanda Restuarant Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

In contrary to this, if the inventory check person does not find the right ingredient in completing the customer order he double checks the list of goods and once he does not find specific ingredients he informs the chef about the issue. Over here, a lot of time is wasted and now the chef goes back to the waiter and informs him about the situation which takes a lot of time obviously. Now the waiter goes back to the customer or the consumer and informs him about the unavailability of certain meal or burger. The whole procedure in the current kitchen management system takes a lot of time which in turn frustrates the customer because he has to wait for more than 5 minutes to know just that the order cannot be served because of unavailability of certain things.

This has led to the downfall of the restaurant's  image and has made the customers give harsh and negative feedback for the poor service at the restaurant. The customer has always complained about this aspect or element of Amanda restaurant where they have to wait for so long just to listen to a negative response from the waiter about the availability of material. This has been a common practice at the restaurant and the customers have been quite dissatisfied with the overall situation.

Current order fulfillment procedure at Amanda Restaurant

As discussed above the scenario of utter rejection where the customer had to wait more than five minutes just to hear from the waiter that the order cannot be served because of different reasons. On the other hand, the order fulfillment procedure at Amanda restaurant was also time taking and lengthy. The process of serving the customer included various steps which made the operations lengthy and time taking. The procedure of order fulfillment at Amanda restaurant underwent the following steps, once the customer entered the restaurant he was served with the menu. The customer then ordered the food to the waiter who took the order to the chef.

The chef then noted the ingredients that were mandatory and necessary for the fulfillment of the food order. He then went on to the inventory team who checked the order and confirmed the availability of the material that were required for the completion of the food. This included meat, spices, sauces, vegetables, etc., which were integral in the order completion. Once the inventory check team gave a green signal on the ingredient availability, the chef moved to the next member and asked him to provide all the necessary materials for the food. Once he gets the raw material, meat, spices, etc. he went to the cooks and provided them with the ingredients and the order.

Now the team of cooks under the supervision of this chef prepare the food as per the taste and preference of the customer. Now when the food is prepared and ready the cook hands over the serving to the waiter who then takes the food to the customer. This was the normal operational procedure at Amanda restaurant. This was a lengthy and time taking procedure which again frustrated the customers, but they were at least happy and content because they got what they wanted to eat. And as the case states, the quality of the food and the healthy, nutritious element attached with the serving made them come back again to have dined in and take away with the restaurant.


Inform Waiters

As the case states, Amanda Restaurant should install the practice of conducting a meeting amongst the chefs, waiters, inventory team and the cook plan out the availability of the raw material available in the inventory as stock within the kitchen. This meeting should be conducted in the morning where the inventory team can notify the ingredients and raw materials that are available within the kitchen and the food that can be prepared out of them. Once the team of people controlling the inventory can analyze the goods available, they can then inform the remaining staff about the products Amanda restaurant has for the particular day (Askin, 1993).

The meeting should be headed by the Head Chef who can actually decide and assure the combos, burgers and other products which will be served based on the material available for the particular day. Once the waiters are informed about the food that can be prepared for the particular day, it can make the life easier for them too.................................

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