Ohio Lottery: Innovative Research Drives Winning Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

The population of West Virginia is bigger than expected. The population of West Virginia is 1,854,304 (2013). West Virginia is suitable for creating the sample as the population of West Virginia is much diversified. It includes people from different races. For instance, the White, African American, Latin, Native American and Asians. The Asians also have interest in purchasing lottery tickets and scratch win cards. The population is huge in West Virginia, so carrying out the survey in this huge population is very hard. It is very much obvious that carrying out survey in this large population is not a piece of cake. It requires a very big effort in interviewing the large population of West Virginia.

Different problems arises while creating and surveying this large population. It requires a huge amount of investments and also requires time for carrying out the surveys. The difficulty is that it is not possible to conduct interviews from each and every person in the West Virginia. It requires a whole lot of travelling and hence, the expenses will rise gradually. The people will not be able to survey completely as most of the people won’t be available at their homes. They might be at the hospitals, tours or holidays.

Therefore, it is more feasible to interview the specific part of the population rather than the whole population, and a sample should be chosen in an appropriate way so that the conclusion can be obtained from the whole population later. Due to many reasons it is required to create a sample of the whole population and it is very necessary to select the appropriate sample from the whole population in order to have a conclusion which fulfill the needs of the survey. For instance, in the case of Ohio lottery the sample should be created in a way that some part of the population is to be surveyed with the questionnaire of the Ohio lottery and extracting the information through the research.

It would be much easier to select the samples from the large population in a way that the demographic characteristics and playing habits of people should be used to select the samples from the whole population. This can be very handy as this will give an edge and save time by choosing the samples according to the information collected from the first phase.

The survey can be carried out in a way that the selected sample should be sent via the emails regarding the surveys and people have to answer the questionnaire provided in the mail. The issue with the mail is that people normally take time to respond to the mails and sometimes ignores it for the sake of time. The interviews should be carried out also to the samples selected and the people should be asked questions on behalf of Ohio lottery.................................

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