Social difference between Malaysia and Singapore Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Social difference between Malaysia and Singapore Case Solution


No doubt, I always used to search different places for my visit. My latest trip was regarding exploring Singapore and previously,I went to Malaysia to meet my friends whom I met online. There was not too much diversification between both countries in terms of lifestyle, values, and preference of living. The Malaysian culture was surrounded by Chinese, Indians and Malay values with majority of residents being Muslims. However, same was the case with Singapore culture, the Malay, Chinese, and Indians were the main part of Singapore’s culture, which made it very similar to Malaysian culture. The border of both countries is connected to each other and is known as an international maritime border. These both countries have similar cultures because once these were ruled together by the Britishers. I observed a lot of freedom in both countries, even I stayed with females who were unmarried. The people of both countries are open minded and individualism oriented, which is why they prefer to mind their own business. The only difference I found between both the countries was religion. Malaysia isa Muslim dominated country, and Singapore is covered by Buddhist community as most of the residents are from China.

Moreover, the difference and similarities between both countries could be described by using Hofstede’s cultural dimensions model.

Hofstede’s cultural dimensions model:

Power distance: The power distance indicates that individuals in societies are not treated equally. It helps us to identify the extent to which individuals in a given society accept the power of others or expect that power is distributed unequally. The high power distance indicates that there is inequality exists in the organization, and only few upper management’s members tend to accept those inequalities. A low power distance society discourages the difference between citizens on the basis of power and equality. These societies promote equal opportunities for all members of the society. While visiting Singapore, I observed that Singapore promotes more equality as compared to Malaysia. Malaysia isa purely dominant country with lots of discrimination between people on the basis of wealth and power. In high dominant country, people are expected to obey orders of the majority and provide no room for justification of work. There is a popular culture of centralization in countries like Malaysia. Moreover, Singapore has relatively low power distance than Malaysia. However,to some extent, Singapore also scores high in power distance due to the majority of the population (Chinese) are followers of a religion, which restricts them to maintain the boundaries in their relations. Furthermore, there was centralized management structure which was quite similar to the Malaysian culture.

Individualism vs. collectivism:

Individualism relates to that society in which ties between societies are loose as every member of the society wants to live on their own without any interference from anyone else. Low individualism oriented societies come under collectivism. These collectivist society members are more united, as they prefer to live in joint families and buy a family pack of every goods and service. In individualist societies, people tend to look after themselves and their family only.

There was not much difference between both countries as both of them were collectivist-oriented countries. In Singapore, where the majority comprises of Chinese, Indians and Malaya, people prefer to live in collectivism more than individualism. Malaysian people has a long-term commitment to member group, which promotes long-term relationships. The people are ready to share their burdens with each other, which makes their relationships even stronger. In Singapore, people prefer to live in groups and together they promote the “we” culture. The maintenance of family harmony is taught to the children so that from early age they could understand the value of family. Both countries seem similar regarding family structure, their respect for each other, nature of helping others, and sharing benefits and burdens with each other was similar in both countries., which why their score on individualism is almost similar (Singapore 20 and Malaysia 26)...................

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