Students will explore the differences in income solely due to the need to make estimates for some common financial reporting of assets related expenditure. They believe asset life and residual value, estimated uncollectible receivables, as well as temporary versus permanent losses on marketable security investments equity. The case can be used as an asset if Capstone module either undergraduate or graduate level introductory financial statements / Accounting. In addition, it can be used to introduce the asset module of the course. New medical practice is about to be launched and is looking for investors. As one doctor put the finishing touches on pro forma income statement, it must make certain estimates, which are required / permitted in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), to complete the first year of projected earnings figure. "Hide
by Mark E. Haskins Source: Darden School of Business 6 pages. Publication Date: October 23, 2009. Prod. #: UV1776-PDF-ENG