Online Grocery and Fresh food retailing- Opportunities and Challenges in Ghana Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

The report describes the impact of technological changes and economic productivity in the state of Africa-Ghana. Theresearch is a combination of qualitative and quantitative research and case study. Theresearch illustrates the factors thatcould offer the opportunitiesandpositthreats to the local andinternational business. Since Ghana is anagri-base region, the cost structure of the food items by the retail stores and online businesses should be low, in order to make the customers switch from theopen markets.Through the research it hasbeen found that the preference to purchase food is still from the traditional markets. Inaddition to this, the trend of digitalization or smarttechnology is eminent in theGhanamarket. The smart phone penetration has increased by 9% annually along with the use if these gadgets for online shopping.Lastly, factors like transportation, price and ambiance are found to be most preferred when opting between the traditional markets and retail stores.

Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Background
Technological development has completely changed the mode of business practices and provided them with new opportunities to explore market with greater significance and an improvement in level of penetration (Ahujaand Galvin, 2003). Internet technology has been universally accepted as the greatest innovation of era that has converted world into global village (Catoiu, 2009). It has improved the level of interaction among individuals from different parts of world to share ideas, thought and assisted in development in regional and global integration (Chelcea, Mărginean and Cauc, 1998). In this context, online shopping has been identified as an active mode of cultural integration and helped in understanding global trend and also provided an active platform to marketers to learn from content shared on online platform and employ in their marketing strategies to determine the consumer’s purchase intention toward different brand offers (Chelcea, 2005).
General point of view of online buying has changed into business viewpoint that brought about dynamic inclusion of various brands to investigate it with gainful substance and enhance their immediacy toonline stage through enhancing their substance advancement methodology to pull the potential clients in consideration (Hanna, Rohm and Crittenden, 2011). It has been observed that online substance has noteworthy part in assurance of procurement aim of purchaser toward brand offers (Thurau, Gwinner, Walsh and Gremler, 2004). It isfound as an integral channel alongside the advancement of online stores. The double interlink between two channels has enhanced the deals and building up purchaser's buy aim toward online offers (Ioanas, 2012). It has additionally enhanced the level of correspondence amongst customers and advertisers to make it all simpler and viable to advertisers to decide the buy goal of purchaser (Jones and Somekh, 2004).
Technological development in the form of internet technologyhas significantly opened opportunities for the development of onlinecommunities to share idea andexperience, and provided marketers to use it to build brand position and contribute it towardssales of the organization. It has significantly improved options to marketers to use effective communication and content development as a tool to promote brand image on onlinenetwork to gain market share (Kucuk and Krishnamurthy, 2007)................

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