Auto-Ethnography Harvard Case Solution & Analysis


It is essential for an individual to first identify oneself to understand the surroundings and the society in which he is living. Being knowledgeable about the society has become a necessity to make decisions and actions in a corrective and rational way (Cohen, 1992). We can identify ourselves by doing self-reflection and self-examination.  Despite that, identifying oneself is not possible without having understanding, direction and persistence about the happenings in the society.


Often we like to narrate our personal life in the form of a story that is based on sharing our life experiences to give knowledge, learning, wisdom and often joy and happiness to others. Often, people share their personal experiences and knowledge to seek guidance, advice and for self-therapy from others as this can give a certain direction to move forward. By narrating personal life experiences of others, I can help someone to utilize my experiences and take a lesson from the blunders that I have made in my life. Along with that, one can utilize my life experiences to live improved lives than others. By writing auto ethnography, I can narrate my personal experiences and the way I have managed conflicts in my life with respect to cultural backgrounds, ethnicity, race and social class.

My Auto-ethnography

As a middle-class Chinese individual, I was born and raised in China, and I am the son of Chinese and Philippines parents. I have two siblings out of which one is elder, and the other one is little to me. China is known to be a country worth having more than one fifth of the total world’s population, and the country is known to be one of the fastest developing economies around the globe. With the passage of time, China has made tremendous improvements in many areas of the society especially regarding women.

Family & Marriage

Being born and brought up in China, I have seen that our society has put a lot of weight on making strong family ties and on bonding family together. I have seen and evident, so many families in my community whose traces of their descendants back over epochs. Like other men in the society, my goal about family and marriage is to get married after completing my studies and carrying traditional family. In China, elder sons stay with their parents forever to support and care them during their old age. Even my elder brother is married, and he decided to live with us as a joint family (Michael & Hobbs, 1982).

The country I lived in, having several issues with respect to the environment that is badly affecting the health of individuals that include a rapid increase in industrialization, water shortage, natural disasters, water & air pollution, smoking and shortage of energy as well. These issues often affect our health and make us ill several times. In order to maintain the health of family life women in my family played a role of caretaker by providing us healthy and nutritious food. From my knowledge and understanding, I have found that the health of mother and sisters are extremely important because it is directly connected with the health of the whole family.

They are the ones who nurtured and take care and family members and encourage for a healthy lifestyle. The role of men in the family is different as they are emotionally strong and support the family morally. The men in my family played a role in supporting family in financial terms to cope up with the health issues. In my family, all the decisions made regarding family health has made by my mother as she knows exactly about the ways to take care of our family. Men and women in the society can take care of their health by maintaining and adopting a healthy lifestyle. From the researches done by many scholars, it has shown that in China, people have a healthy lifestyle and eating habits as compare to other countries of the world. As far as the health insurance system in China is concerned, China is a country who claimed to provide equal health care facilities to every social class, but it is not always the case. I have lived in the middle-class community often faced problems with respect to sanitation, bad sewerage system and contaminated water. However, approaching the doctor or getting a first aid was never been such an issue because the government has assumed proper access to healthcare facilities as a right of every individual irrespective of race, ethnicity or social class. However, it is a fact that the upper class in my country rarely faced these kinds of issues and always get better medical service because of the strong financial position (Boufoy-Bastick 1997)...............................

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