The New York Times Paywall Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

March 28, 2011, the New York Times website has a limited area where most of the content is protected for "paywall." Users who have exceeded the limit of 20 free articles a month, were required to pay a digital printing or subscription. The newspaper industry is suffering from declining revenues over the past decade, and the transition to digital media it was difficult to navigate. Revenues from online advertising were not enough to replace the loss of print revenue, and many publishers have learned charging readers for content, with varying success, where specialized sources such as The Wall Street Journal have been successfully using the model, but some other general news sites were not succeeded. Newspapers and content creators in general are very interested in understanding the transition to the online access to the most popular news site succeed, and whether it could be the basis for future success as a sustainable business model. There were a few difficult issues to consider in determining the digital strategy The Times. Consumers will remain engaged with the website is protected online access? Advertisers will respond positively to such a move, the walls of readers away? Readers will appreciate both the print and electronic versions of the content, or it became necessary to create new content? The Times had several options in the development of online access, including the definition of digital content, pricing, and how to interact with readers secondary news sites, such as blogs, which has links to news articles. Should they create a "leaky" paywall, which identifies users can easily slip or "bulletproof" paywall, as the Financial Times did, where users had to pay before they could have access to any content? What choice will be the basis for a successful business model?
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by Vineet Kumar, Bharat N. Anand, Sunil Gupta, Felix Oberholzer-Gee Source: HBS Premier Case Collection 19 pages. Publication Date: February 22, 2012. Prod. #: 512077-PDF-ENG

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