Google Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Situation Analysis (SWOT):

The SWOT analysis shows the internal capabilities and the external factors that influence the use of these capabilities. Google has the leading position when it comes to online advertising and it is one of the world’s most valuable brands. However, Google must address the threats in the business environment, and exploit the opportunities. The analysis shows that Google needs to continue and evolve its strategies in order to address the threats to its business. Nonetheless, in order to maintain its strong competitiveness Google needs to address the opportunities and threats, while using the strengths and improve its performance based on the weaknesses that are identified through the SWOT analysis.

Google has the strengths to surmount its weaknesses, but the analysis also shows that Google will have to perform better to guard itself from the threats, like competition from the arch rivals and new technology companies and imitation.

Strengths: Internal Strategic Factors

Every firm has some factors behind its success; Google’s success is also based on its ability to use its strengths. The company’s strengths must be adequate to support its directional strategy. The strengths of Google are:

  • Google has a very strong brand image.
  • Most of Google’s products are patented, means it’s difficult to imitate.
  • Google has a globally diversified business.
  • Google’s organization size and structure are very large.
  • In novational culture.

These strengths tell us that Google has achieved a significant growth since it was created. It has expanded its business globally and has a strong brand name. Google has developed several patented products through the culture of innovation, and the size of organization helps it fight of any new competition.

Weaknesses: Internal Strategic Factors

The weaknesses of any business provide it challenges that can have severe effect, and can halt the growth of the business. The weaknesses of Google despite the market dominance are:

  • Google’s reliance on the internet
  • No or minimum physical present
  • Under performing divisions

The company has reliance on the internet, as most developing countries have very low internet usage, and the internet coverage is not good enough for Google to expand its business in those countries, like online advertising. Google has started to develop physical presence through services like android, Motorola, chrome cast, chrome book however, it still needs time to compete against the companies like Apple.

Opportunities: External Strategic Factors

Google’s opportunities are mainly based on the technology development and changes, opportunities for Google to pursue its directional strategy are

  • More mobile users, which will help grow all other products of Google
  • Expand the Google Fiber globally.
  • More consumer electronics with its own operating system android.

It should focus more on mobile users due to the increasing use of it. However, to generate revenue Google can expand the Google Fiber to other countries where low quality internet is available, which will help its own other products to generate more revenue and grow. Google has been focusing more on electronics gadgets recently like nexus, Motorola, chrome book and chrome casts, and also more emphasis can produce good results for Google.

Threats: External Strategic Factors

Threats can influence the competition and can also have an effect on growth of Google’s business. The main threats that Google faces are

  • Tough competition from many known and unknown sources.
  • Imitation of products of Google.

Google faces tough competition from large and small firms such as Apple, Microsoft, Facebook and Amazon in operating system, software, ads and search engine businesses, which are also technology giants.It also faces competition from small companies companies which have recently started like OnePlus and Ubix in consumer electronics who are also using the same strategy as Google use.

Review of Current Mission:

The current mission of Google to organize the world’s information and make it accessible and useful is almost impossible to achieve. However, it drives it employees to work hard to achieve it because an achievable mission like becoming the market leader and when the objective is fulfilled then it leaves employees with very low motivation to improve or develop new products. Moreover, its own Chief Executive Eric Schmidt thinks that it will take it 300 years to do that, while Google has diversified the services it provides such as Android, Chrome and Gmail.Its mission statement contradicts with these services and only focuses on the search engine services. Google needs to revise its mission statement in accordance with all the services it provides to people. The mission statement of Google does not mention profit, market, shareholders or users; it is a more moral statement than the business goal...................

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